Monday, April 2, 2012

How do I connect within groups through communication?

A group is three of more people who interact and communicate with each other over an extended period of time, and they normally follow rules in order to reach a common goal.  Without a common goal there is never a reason for a group to form.  Groups usually tend to form because there are more resources, more thoroughness, more creativity, and more commitment. 
To form a group, members must first perceive themselves as interdependent and have interacted with each other over a long time.  During interaction, groups will be begin to formulate rules, and also begin to figure out the best ways to solve problems in their group.  During the process of forming a group, a member will usually become a leader of the group.  The member that becomes the leader tends to to be a person who can ensure effective communication throughout the group.  Many people believe that leaders are born, although leaders are different.  Leaders can use manipulation, qualities, and personality to gain power.  All of these processes will work but some of them have downfalls later.  Once a leader is chosen, they will begin to communicate based on their leadership style.  Some of these styles are the laissez faire, authoritarian, or democratic.  Laissez faire is laid back and non directive.  This style does not provide directions in which the group should move, which makes it known to be very inefficient.  There is also authoritarian leadership, which is very directive and is used by a lone leader.  This type of leadership style is very effective, although member's morale and work quality may be optimal.  Lastly, there is democratic leadership, which provides direction and guidance.  This style encourages members to take responsibility.  Depending on the type of group will depend on the leadership style that is used.  If decisions are needed in a short amount of time, the authoritarian will be used.  It may not be the answer that was wanted though because of the push for time.  Democratic or laissez faire will give a quality, well thought decision, but it will take a long time to decide.  All in all, it mostly depends on the people in the group, and the situation.
When involved in group work, I tend to usually lead the group or assist in leading the group.  When in charge I usually use the laissez faire  style of leadership.  My peers and I have a respect level for each other and when I inform them on what to do, they do it.  I tell them one time and then I let them do their work. It has to be taken into account though that I am usually working with advanced students, which is what allows this style to work.  This style will not always work though, but now I am well informed on the other styles that are available for use.  All in all, there are many different ways to successfully lead a group and be effective. 

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